Roland with his new Brigade in November 1917

Brigadier-General R B Bradford (1892-1917) VC, MC, Durham Light Infantry
"Comrades, I come to introduce myself to you as your new Brigadier. This is the first opportunity I have had to speak to you by day. I am going to ask you to put your implicit trust and confidence in me; to look upon me not only as your Brigadier but as your friend.
By the help of God I will try to lead you to the best of my ability, and remember your interests are my interests.
As you all know, in a few days from now we are going to attack. Your powers are going to be tested; they must not fail you.
Above all, pray. 'More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.' It is God alone Who can give us victory and bring us through this battle safely."
Click here for Roland's Address to his New Troops fresh out from England
Click here to see page with details of Memorials & Plaques in Roland's memory